Star Wars is a franchise that has gained worldwide recognition through movies, animated shows,
books, and more. It has become such an influential part of popular culture that people around the
world instantly recognize the text from the movies' opening crawl, music like the Imperial March,
and even a variety of quotes like, “Do. Or do not. There is no try.”
With so many prequels and sequels releasing over the years, it can be difficult to tell when each
movie takes place. Here is a chronological ordering of the movies:
George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, has described the underlying themes of Star Wars:
The story being told in Star Wars is a classic one. Every few hundred years, the story is retold
because we have a tendency to do the same things over and over again. Power corrupts, and
when you're in charge, you start doing things that you think are right, but they're actually not.
Click here for the full Wired interview with George Lucas.
If, for some reason, you want to ask a random nerd on the internet about Star Wars, you can email me.